June is Project Month!
This month is all about teamwork! We’re committed to supporting our ongoing projects during our Fabulous 5 Activities and various clubs, as well as present our progress and the growth that we have experienced since opening this program.
Our Theater Project is rocking their performance of “The Wizard of Oz”, which offers a lot of ways to be involved – whether it is by developing theater skills, acting out characters, or painting sets. A group painting of our first scene “Munchkin land” is already created on a big wood panel. The group paintings of “Emerald City” and the “Witches Castle” on canvas will be another focus in art this month. Several craft activities will create props like making a big fun cloud to be moved around during the play as well as trees, a rainbow and flowers.
We studied many different artists like Goldsworthy, Miro, Monet, Heffernan and experienced a big variety of styles and techniques during our art activities. We’re now ready in an open art mix workshop to put all this inspiration into paintings to be developed over a longer period of time. Paintings will be created in the media of watercolor and acrylic and on paper or canvas. Our art work will be displayed during the upcoming Festival of Arts in August.
We’re happy about the progress of our successful and popular Ceramic club, which is already running for two month and offers another way of self-expression and creativity. We will present our first ceramic show during the Festival of Arts in August.
A great opportunity to give back to our community was our Choir performance at the College Oak Nursing and Rehabilitation Care Home. The Choir will also support our Wizard of Oz play with their great voices.
Functional Education
Do you want to know our weekly highlights and feel our Orange Grove spirit? The Functional Education component and Multi – Media club will ensure regular updates to the Sac (O.G.) component of the AIM HIGHER website.
Functional Education is continue to working on their Audiobook production presenting short stories created by clients as well as poems and creative writings.
Our fabulous monthly newsletter is also an ongoing Functional Education project that clients are working on during Journalism and the Newsletter class.
Life Skills
Thanks for sharing your family recipes! They are a great contribution to our AIM HIGHER O.G. cookbook. It was so much fun for clients to show us how to make their recipes. We took pictures of our chefs and their great baking and cooking goods to add to our cook book.
Thanks to the great care of our gardeners during life skills and vocational activities, will have a great organic vegetable garden this growing season.
More Teamwork, creativity and motor skills can be practiced during craft activities hosed by our life skills component to support making theater props.
You’re able to continue to track your daily work outs and increase your fitness level during our variety of exercise activities in June. Please continue to join us in circuit training, team sports, on power and nature walks, for Zumba, Salsa dancing, Stretching, Aerobics, Qi Gong and Yoga. If you want to work out even more at home we’re working on creating fitness videos with your favorite moves and exercises.
Our Vocational opportunities are growing every month. Weekly a group of clients have the option to volunteer at the Kiwanis Family House and help with maintenance and cleaning tasks.
This month we’re starting to volunteer at the onsite UCP program we will help out setting up the cafeteria and during lunch times.
Vocational activities also include discussing personal goals to aim higher and resume creating, office work, accounting, cashier and customer service at the snack shop, shopping for program activities, van washing, teacher assistance, helping with attendance and buses as well as gardening and maintenance of the nature area.